Contract signatures for Jira

Say yes faster

You shouldn’t have to leave Jira to agree or approve work. And now you don’t have to.

Available on Cloud

Get approvals from internal or external parties

Turn Jira issues into quick contracts for work

Everything’s recorded and tracked

E-signatures for your Jira issues

  • Jira issues transformed into signable contracts
  • Automated emails to all parties, prompting action
  • External parties can sign issues without a Jira license
  • Status markers on the contract as it goes through the signing process
  • Signees can reject a contract
  • PDF and HTML versions of signed Jira issues automatically sent to all parties
  • Audit certificate sent to all parties
  • Link to verify the authenticity of the signed contract version of the Jira issue
  • Audit trail created in Jira
  • Sign with your smartphone

Your single source of truth for approvals

Approval functionality is Jira’s missing piece

Contract Signatures for Jira plugs a gap in the Jira toolset by offering users the ability to approve and agree work in Jira with a signature. This is great for business teams using waterfall or hybrid ways of working.

No need for extra licenses

External parties can add e-signatures to Jira issues without being added to your Jira instance. This makes it faster and easier to make legally binding outsourcing agreements, without going outside of Jira to use email and other tools/documents.

Contracting by smartphone

In our increasingly flexible and mobile world, not all contracts are made while sitting at a desk. Mobile support lets you draw your signature on Jira issues using the touchscreen on your smartphone.

An easy-to-follow paper trail

Contract Signature for Jira

Install Contract Signatures for Jira and make everything in your organization more agreeable