Approval Path for Confluence - Now free of charge
Fast, reliable, secure, and now FREE!
I am thrilled as I write this blog! Approval Path for Confluence is officially free of charge now, regardless of your company size! How come??
The decision was made by taking many factors into consideration, although what ignited the idea is promotion. We know the amount of work
and effort that is put into Approval Path as well, and we know that Approval Path is a solid solution to many projects in the Atlassian
ecosystem. From this point forward we only had to make a decision on how to make the product more accessible and grow faster.
Approval Path for Jira stays paid.
Approval Path for Confluence is a relatively young product and needs to state its position to a larger audience, we hope to achieve this by making it more accessible and affordable.
In order for any great product to grow, real user feedback is needed! If you are familiar with our products, by now you know that we heavily rely on client feedback, we always welcome new ideas and try to implement them when possible, having a free product and by extension more users, will allow us to improve and truly create a user-friendly experience that meets the expectations of our clients.
So in case you’ve been considering using Approval Path but still waiting for approval for the budget, maybe it’s time you
introduced Approval Path to your team!
Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated! And hey, we do hear you so if there’s anything you think can be improved, just let us know!