Approval path with external user participation
Usually, an approval process takes place within the organisation. However, in some cases, a decision from someone outside your Jira or Confluence is needed. There is no point in adding this user to your instance when there is an easier and faster solution provided by the Approval Path apps, which is the email step. All you need is a decisive person’s email address, on which will be sent a call for action message.
Custom Domains for Confluence and Jira: The Ultimate Workaround to End Your CLOUD-6999 Woes
The Atlassian Community has been hankering after custom domains for Confluence and Jira for absolute yonks. It’s difficult to offer continuity of service – not to mention disorienting for the customer – when you’re directing them to a website that’s not your company’s in order to view your resources and documentation. You’ve probably heard of the famous CLOUD-6999 Jira ticket. Behind it lies a tale of woe and despair. This simple request for custom domains for Atlassian Cloud products has been languishing in Atlassian’s backlog for so long it’s become a meme and sparked a range of merchandise.
How to Customize your External Share Email Templates
After creating an External Share link to a Confluence page or Jira issue, there are two ways to share the link with a user outside of your instance: Copy the URL of the External Share version of the page or issue and paste it into an email or instant message. Click “Send via email”, which will send your External Share link to the email address you enter using an email template.