Build a Smarter Workflow with Approval Path for Confluence
Review Confluence Page Efficiently Does your organization require Confluence page approvals for documentation reviews or content management purpose? Implementing an approval workflow in Confluence involves defining specific states that a page transitions through during its lifecycle. These states help manage content creation, review, and publication processes. While Confluence doesn’t offer a built-in approval workflow feature, you can establish a structured process using Approval Path for Confluence, an add-on developed by Warsaw Dynamics.
Introducing Success & Rejection Steps
At Warsaw Dynamics, we are continually refining Approval Path based on our customers’ feedback, so we can make their workflow flawless. We have introduced Rejection Step previously, and now we have released the Success Step for both Approval Path for Jira and Confluence. In this post, we will explain what these steps are, with some use cases, showing you how they can help Approval Path process more efficiently based on the application version for Jira.
Understanding the Abstain Feature in Approval Path
When it comes to decision-making, there are times when we don’t want to give a definitive “yes” or “no.” Based on our customer’s request, we have launched a new feature in Approval Path: Abstain option. This option is working on both Approval Path for Jira and Approval Path for Confluence. The term ‘abstain’ means to stay neutral in a decision. This option allows you to opt out of a vote without siding with approval or rejection, which can be useful in several situations.
API Capabilities for Approval Path
Approval Path made the approval process so much easier. Still, there are ways companies can do more to improve business efficiency and connect with other tools. With our Approval Path for Jira or Approval Path for Confluence, you can easily generate API Keys from the global setting and customize to suit customer needs. API mechanism applies same to both, but the only difference is that in Jira, approval runs in the issue context.
The Notifications Feature and How to Use Them in The Approval Path for Jira
We’d like to introduce a great feature in Approval Path for Jira & Confluence designed to streamline your approval processes: additional notifications. This feature ensures that users are promptly reminded to take action on their approval steps, enhancing efficiency and accountability within your team. Here’s how it works with the example of Approval Path for Jira and how it can be used. You have a new notification How Notifications Work With the notifications feature in Approval Path for Jira, users can send reminders through either Jira or direct email notifications.
Product Development with Approval Path for Confluence
JES Factory product developers have been tasked with designing new products for the catalogue. Given the complexity of the job, they turned to the Approval Path for Confluence to efficiently coordinate their work with other departments to make sure the product checks off all the boxes. The Journey of the Product Development Lifecycle Ideate and Document the Product Concept The conceptualization team is the first to engage. Organizing and refining their ideas can be chaotic.
Delegate your approval steps in Approval Path
Approval Path for Jira: Elevate Your Approval Game Gone are the days when Jira’s built-in approvals left you wanting for more. With the new feature for the Approval Path Jira extension, the approval process is now streamlined, intuitive, and packed with features that will redefine how you manage approvals in your projects. What’s New? The Delegation Feature! Picture this: You’re on vacation, but an important approval awaits your nod. With the Delegation feature, you can now delegate your approval responsibilities to another user.
Streamlining Your Approval Process with Automation in Jira
Simplify your workflow and save time with just a few clicks. Why automation? Do you find yourself constantly starting approvals manually for each issue in your project? Do you wish there was a way to automate this tedious process? Well, we have great news for you! In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to automatically start an approval path for any issue that goes through a specific status transition.
Approval Path start parametrization
It’s about convenience and more! What is parametrization? In this context, parametrization is a rather fresh feature of Approval Path, and we think it could boost user experience a lot! Well, at least for users that use Approval Path more excessively. Here is why! Functionalities Parametrization will allow you to re-use an existing path (definition) while you conveniently rename the approval just before you start it! Also it allows you to set expiry dates.
Issue filed steps - email edition
Life is dynamic, so are we! What are issue fields If you already know the answer, skip this part! As the name suggests these are fields inside each issue on Jira, to name a few, The description field The assignee field The reported field All of these are standard issue fields in Jira, you can also have “Custom” fields. Custom fields can be placed upon your need, there is are many custom fields available on Jira but you will need to know only a few to take advantage of Approval Path’s dynamic features!
Approval Path for Confluence - Now free of charge
Fast, reliable, secure, and now FREE! I am thrilled as I write this blog! Approval Path for Confluence is officially free of charge now, regardless of your company size! How come?? The decision was made by taking many factors into consideration, although what ignited the idea is promotion. We know the amount of work and effort that is put into Approval Path as well, and we know that Approval Path is a solid solution to many projects in the Atlassian ecosystem.
Multiple approvals
You asked, we care, we listen and now we deliver! The time has come yet again for a new feature! A feature YOU asked for! If you are using the Approval Path, you have likely considered this feature at some point in your experience. Why can’t I just run multiple paths instead of only one?🤔 Well, that is no longer the case! What is Approval Path and why it matter?
Permission flexibility!?
We have a new and rather EXITING update!!! (on both Jira and Confluence) We’ve been working around the concept of approval path for quite some time, if you are a user of Approval Path, you probably work in an environment where permission hierarchies play a role, hence the need of approvals! So, what’s the update and how can it improve your experience!?! Permission schemes That’s right!!! You can now limit or extend the access of users to approval path capabilities, you can create more flexibility around the approval path by allowing more users to interact with the path or you may wish to limit access restrictions further to have a more focused group of users handle the approvals.
Approval path with external user participation
Usually, an approval process takes place within the organisation. However, in some cases, a decision from someone outside your Jira or Confluence is needed. There is no point in adding this user to your instance when there is an easier and faster solution provided by the Approval Path apps, which is the email step. All you need is a decisive person’s email address, on which will be sent a call for action message.
Big update pack
We are constantly developing our apps to make them more useful. Lately, we added some improvements to the Approval Path for Jira and the Approval Path for Confluence. Let’s walk through some of them. Parallel group In response to customer requests, we added the parallel group to both the Approval Path for Jira and the Approval Path for Confluence. It allows all users added to the group to approve or reject parallelly.